Family: Sapindaceae
Vulnerable tree to 5m in Currumbin & Tallebudgera valleys. Leaves alternate, pinnate, wavy margins, 4-12 leaflets, each to 9cm. Female & male flowers on same plant. Orange, 3-valved fruit in summer.
Where to look:
Family: Malvaceae
Short-lived twiggy shrub to 2m with hairy stems. Hibiscus like watermelon pink flowers. Underground tuber, plant dies back in dry and regrows in wet season.
Where to look: Near entrance to Arts & Ecology area.
Family: Proteaceae
Common shrub found in eucalypt forest. To 2m. Leaves alternate, pinnate or lobed. White flowers in branched spikes to 30cm. Seed capsule to 50mm splits to reveal winged seeds.
Where to look: Throughout the Gardens and bushland.
Family: Orchidaceae
Epiphytic orchid, forms large clumps on tree trunks and branches. Leaves leathery, flexible, shiny. Large flat pseudobulbs. Greenish-brown flowers in spikes, spring to summer.
Where to look: Throughout the gardens and also in baskets and pots outside the A&E.
Family: Araceae
Erect herb to 1.8m in wetter areas. Large “elephant ear” leaves, stem to 1m. Very fragrant creamy-yellow flowers on tall stalk. Round red fruit to 1.5cm. All parts of this plant are POISONOUS.
Where to look: Fern glade, Creek Walk and throughout the gardens.
Family: Lamiaceae
Shrub to 2m with arching branches. Branchlets and undersides of leaves hairy, Leaves opposite, serrate to 13cm x 6cm. Pink flowers in clusters and pinkish-purple fruit.
Where to look: Throughout the gardens.
Family: Myrtaceae
Sprawling shrub in coastal sandy soils south of Fraser Island. Up to 1 m in height. Leaves opposite, silvery and hairy below. Aromatic when crushed. White flowers with 5 petals to 1cm. White fruit to 1cm with purplish spots, edible.
Where to look: Throughout the gardens.
Photography: The majority of the photos in this collection are the wonderful and much appreciated work of Greg & Judy Miller. Many other members of the Friends have also kindly contributed their favourite images.