Family: Sapindaceae
Endangered tree to 20m. Leaves alternate, to 15cm. White/Pinkish 4 petalled flowers in panicles. Flowers spring to summer. Fruits around February.
Where to look: Just down from Arts & Ecology Centre on carpark edge.
Family: Melastomaceae
Shrub to 2m, moist areas. Leaves opposite, 5 longitudinal veins, Pinkish mauve, 5-petalled flowers, all year. Hairy, edible fruit. Purple/blue pulp stains the tongue.
Where to look: Throughout the Gardens.
Family: Melastomaceae
Shrub to 2m, moist areas. Leaves opposite, 5 longitudinal veins. 5-petalled flowers, all year. Edible fruit. White form is rare.
Where to look: White form in the Rain Garden & near the Friends Shelter.
Family: Apocynaceae
Shrub, semi-deciduous to 2m. Leaves opposite, hairless to 9cm. Milky sap. White 5-petalled perfumed flowers to 25mm. Banana shaped yellow fruit to 4.5cm, often in pairs, opens to show red seeds POISONOUS. Flowering spring to summer. Fruiting around February.
Where to look: Arts & Ecology Centre. & throughout the Gardens.
Photography: The majority of the photos in this collection are the wonderful and much appreciated work of Greg & Judy Miller. Many other members of the Friends have also kindly contributed their favourite images.