Family: Casuarinaceae
Endangered small tree of Mt Coolum. Separate male and female plants. Female flowers are red. Cylindrical woody cones to 30mm.
Where to find:
Family: Lamiaceae
Arching shrub to 2m. Pink flowers in clusters in summer. Pinkish-purple fruit to 3mm diameter.
Where to find:
Family: Phallaceae
“Stinkhorn” fungus that grows in mulch. Spore bearing mass, the gleba, is a brownish slime with a “rotting meat” smell. Aseroë rubra was the first fungus identified in Australia.
Where to find:
Family: Proteaceae
Widespread shrub. Golden yellow to orange flowers in brushes to 28cm x 8cm.
Where to find:
Family: Mimosaceae
Small shrub or tree to 5m.
Where to find: Edges of the carpark.
Photography: The majority of the photos in this collection are the wonderful and much appreciated work of Greg & Judy Miller. Many other members of the Friends have also kindly contributed their favourite images.