It seems like a very long time since we proposed and started talking about this project.
Originally we talked about a ten kilometre long track that would wind about the gardens block, and the eastern and western Tall Gums conservation areas (both owned and administered by the Sunshine Coast Council.) After discussion with council walking track experts, it was decided that this was too difficult to achieve as a single project, so it was divided into three parts. The Western Tall Gums Walk was proposed as the first part, with an additional 3+ km of new track through the beautiful and wild Western Tall Gums reserve, land adjacent to the Gardens on the western side. The new track when completed (late 2021we hope) will initially connect with some existing gardens tracks in places, but will give an additional walk in the gardens and reserves with a total length from the carparks and back of around five kilometres. A great experience to look forward to!
We spent much of 2019 exploring the western reserve, an area we had very little previous experience in.
Council granted us funding towards our costs in constructing the track, including purchasing tools, paying for flora and fauna assessments along the proposed route, and using landscaping equipment contractors where possible. By year end, final adjustments to the route and assessments were nearly complete, and we were ready to start work. It had been a long year with progress often postponed or delayed by Covid restrictions.
Final planning was completed early in the year, and the route was pegged out. Landscaping contractors were employed to begin their work in late June 2021, and the track building was finally underway.
Getting tools and equipment ready near the start-point.
Discussing initial trackwork with Council staff and equipment contractor.
Trackwork begins - the first few metres. Only 3km to go!